Achyranthes Aspera Pdf
All The AYURVEDIC PATENT MEDICINES. AYURVEDIC. PATENT. MEDICINES7. 77 OIL. JRKIng Coconut. Extract. Ind psorasis. Dandruff. Fissure. foot. Ulcerative. Gingivitis. First. Dose Internal. 5 ml. Twice. daily. External Apply. ABHA. CAP. VITAL. CARE. Ing. Hadjor. Abhagulggulu. Laxdi. Kaishor. gulggulu. Ind. Fractues. Joints. Builds. bone. structure. Promotes. osteogenesis. Achyranthes-aspera-3.jpg' alt='Achyranthes Aspera Pdf' title='Achyranthes Aspera Pdf' />Dose. Adobe Fireworks Crack. ABHAYA. LPABVPIng Triphala. Vasa. Amrita. Sha lmalee. Udumbara. Ind Bleeding. Dose use. externally. ACIDINOL. TABBanIng Avipathi. Sidda mrut. Praval. Yashad. bhasma. Piper. Ind Acid. eructation. Heartburn. Hyper. Traditional Chinese Medicine Ingredients TCMI Help on accessing alternative formats, such as Portable Document Format PDF, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint PPT. Prevention of food spoilage and food poisoning pathogens is usually achieved by use of chemical preservatives which have negative impacts including human health. Medicinal Plants of Assam Sl. No Botanical name Family Local name 1 Abelmoschus manihot Malvaceae Usipak 2 Abelmoschus moschatus Malvaceae Gorokhia koroi. Achyranthes Aspera Pdf' title='Achyranthes Aspera Pdf' />Gastritis. Flatulence. Dose Adult. Child. 1 tab. tds. Rentabilisez votre site Tisane 1fatigue, fatigue intellectuelle, diabte, hypertension, hpatite B. Produit Feuilles de moringa olifra yovokpatin en. AYURVEDIC PATENT MEDICINES 777OIL JRK IngCoconut oil, Extract. ACIDOX. TAB. BhuvaneswariIng Sundi. Hareethaki. Elam. Nagarmoda. Vibheethaki. Theja. pathra. Lavanga. Pippali. etc. Ind Acid. Gastritis. Dose 2 tab. ACINILIN. TABKoralIng Shanka. Kapardika. Pravala. Apamarga. kshar. Ind Hyper. Peptic. ulcer. Reflux. Dyspepsia. Gastric. Dose 2. tab tds. ACRIMIN. TABAryaComposition Sudha. Suhaga. Pipal. Shring. Gandhak. Godanti. Ras. Sindhur. etcIndication Pneumonia. Coryza. Influenza. Rhinitis. Dosage Adult. Children Powder. Every. Infant Powder. of 18. Every. sixth. hourly. ACNEDERM. OINTResearch. Ind Acne. Burns. Pimples. Dose. ext. ACNOVIN. CAPVasuIng Embilica. Rubia. cordifolia. Rasanjan. etc. ,Ind Acne. Pimples. Black. heads. Dose 1. cap tds. ACNOVIN. OINTVasuIng Kumkumadya. Naga. pushpa. Haridra. Sarva. etc. ,Ind Acne. Pimples. Black. heads or. Emergency 4 Mod'>Emergency 4 Mod. Usage. Apply. externally. ACTIFLEX. TABAnujaIng swarna. Dasamoola. kwath. Guggulu. Maharasnadi. Smilax. china. Ind Acute. Sciatica. lumbago. OA. Ankylosing. spondylitis. Frozen. shoulder. Fibrositis. Neuritis,etc. Dose. 2 3 caps. tds. ACTIFLEXON. TABAnujaIng. Swarna. bhasma. Dasamoola. Guggulu. Ext. of. Maha rasnadi. kwatha. Chopachini. etc. Ind RA. Muscular. pain. Dose 1. ACTIVE. TONE LIQ. Go to. TopActive. Ing 1. 0. ML TWICE. DAILYADRAKH. SYRUP SidhiIng Adraki. Adrak. kshar. etc. Ind Dyspepsia. Flatulence. Colic. Vomiting. Dose 1. ADDYZOA. TABCharakInd. Oligospermia. Functional. Dose. 2 tab. b. i. AEROFERRCAPAravind. Ind. Anemia. General. AAFRESH. CHRNAMAjmeraIng Thriphala. Ajawan. Trikadu. etc. Ind Hyper. acidity. Indigestion. Chronic. Flatulence. Dyspepsia. Dose 1 2. tsp B. TAGNI. THALA. OILAmnchanIng Asana. Trikadu. Chathurjata. Agnimandha. Nirgundi. Ind Paraplegia. Hemiplegia. Bells. palsy. Rheumatic. Use For. external. A. G. FORTE. AVALEHADAPIng. Ashwagandha. Dasamoola. Thrijathaka. etc. Ind. General. weakness. Muscular. and. nervous. Restorative. health. Dose. 1 2 tsp. b. A. G. FORTE. TONICDAPIng. Ashwagandha. Saliparni. Prishniparni. Gokshura. Bru hathi. Kantakari. Agni mandha. Patala. Amalaki. etc. Ind. General. tonic. Nervine. Dose. Adult. 1 2 tsf. Child. tsf. b. AIDZIME. TAB. AIDSIng Gandharva. Ind Rheumatic. complaints. Lumbago. Sciatica,etc. Dose. 2 tab. b. i. AJAMODARKAM. SYRUP. MadhavaIng Distilled. Ajowan. seeds. Ind Flatulence. Indigestion. Loss of. Appetite. Vomiting. Dose Child. 5 2. Adult. AJICID. CAPAjmeraIng Jeera. Ajamoda. Pippali. Sajakshar. Gandhak. Shankh. bhasma. Avipathikar. Leela. vilas. ras. Ind Peptic. ulcer. Gastritis. Flatulence. Dose 1 2. cap tid. AJWAYAN. SYRUPSidhiIng Ajowan. Ajowan. satwa. Ind Flatulence. Colic. Diorr hoea. Indigestion,DOSE 2. ML DAILYAKEXAryaCompostition Nirvedan. Tribhuvan. kirti. Ras. panchkol. Laxmivilas. Ras. Shring. bahsma. Loban. etcIndication Flue. Coryza. or Nasal. ALARGIN. TABAjmeraIng. Kali. mirch. Pippal. Nag. kesar. etc. ,Ind. Allergy. inflmmation. Allergic. dermatitis. Urticaria. Dose 1 2. ALLERIN. TABBANIng Manchishtadi. Gandhak. rasayana. Kaisora. guggul. Rakta. Ind Allergy. Glandular. Laryngitis. Pharyngitis. Boils. and. blood. Dose 1 2. tab tid. ALMARUB. OINT. AACIng Karpuram. Lavanga. Devapu shpam. Devadaru. Mezhuku. Ind. Lumbago. stiffness. Use. Apply on. affected. ALMAPLEX. LIQAyuralma. Ing. Ashwagandha. Pippali. Tila. Masha. Vidari. Soma. Amalaki. Ind. Nervous general. Anemia. Aphrodisiac. Provides. vigour amp. Dose. 1. 5 ml. b. ALPITONE. TONICZanduIng. Ashwagandha. Bala. Satavari. Chithraka. Shunti. etc. Ind. Loss of. appetite. Debility. Malnutrition. Fatigue. Dose. Adult 2. Child 1. tsf. b. ALOEDERM. OINTAcetopIng Kumari. Vitamin. E sesame. Ind Dry. and. scaly. Boil. Wounds. Usage. External. application. ALOEDERM G. OINTAcetopIng Kumari. Vitamin. E sesame. Ind Facial. melanosis. Sore. nipples. Furncles. Diabetic. Leg. ulcer. Burns. Usage. Externa. ALSAREX. TABCharakIng Yashada. Amalaki. rasayanam. Zaharmodha. pishti. Kamadudha. ras amp. Jeera. Ind. Hyper. Peptic. ulcer. Dyspepsia. Gastric. discomfort. Dose 2. tabs tid. ALTEX. LIQHerbo. MedIng Sariva. Eclipta. Santallum. Ind Neurodermatitis. Itching. Pimples. Dose 1 2. tsp tid. Children. 1tsp. ALTEX. TABLETHerbo medIng Sariva. Eclipta. alba. Santallum. Ind Neurodermatitis. Itching. Pimples. Dose 1 2. tab tid. ALOES. COMPOUND. TABAlarsinIng. Ind. infertility. Dose. 1 2 tab. tds. ALKACITE. SYPAlkaloidIng Citrus. Citrus. acida. Citrus. Citrus. limmeta. Citrus. Carbonate. of soda. Ind Pyrexia. Febrile. Acidosis. Uremia. Nausea. Vomiting. Flatulence. and. Indigestion. Dose 2. tsb. b. i. ALSTO. PILLSUnjhaInd All. Dose 1. 2 tab. t. ALSTO. PILLS. CAPDavamanIng. Rasna. Guggulu. Guduchi. Devadaru. etc. Ind LBA. RA. Spondylitis. etc. Dose 2. caps. bid. ALURETIC. TABAlarsinIng. Daruharidra. punarnava. Ind. herbal. diuretic. Mild and. moderate. BP. congestive. heart. Dose 1. to 2. tabs tds. AMAVATHARI. LEPAMOINTAVNIng Pinda. Kottam chukkadi. Sahacharadi. Rasandi. Lepam,etc. Ind Vathasonitham. Amava tham. Gridhrasi. Kateegraha. Sports. Spondylosis. Use 1. AMEX TABA. R. S. Ing Hareethaki. Shundi. Mari cha. Pippali. Kachola. Hingu. Saindhava. Ind. Loss of. intestinal. Pain in. abdomen. Spasmodic. pain. Dose 2. AMLANT. TABMaharishiIng Ardraka. Maricha. Pippali. Amalaki. Lavanga. Yashti. madhu. etc. Ind Hyper. acidity. Peptic. ulcer. Reflux. Dyspepsia. Heart. Dose 1 2. tab bid. Skull Vector Art Download more. Child 1. tab. bidtid. AMLANTAK. TABTrigunayuIng Avipathikar. Amalaki. Yasht. madhu. Ind. Hyper. acidity. Constipation. Flatulence. Gastritis. Dose. 1 2 tab. AMLAPITTANTHAK. YOG TABBaidyanathIng Abhrak. Thamra. bhasmam. Mandura. Shank. bhasmam. etc. Ind Acidity. Loss of. Indigestion. Vomiting. Nausea. Dose 1 2. AMRIT BINDU. SYPBVPIng Amrita. Kiratatikta. Sharh. Vasa. Nimba. Surasa. Chandana. Katuka. Parpata. Mareecha. Ind Febrik. convulsions. Pruritis. and. other. Dose 12. tsp. twice. AMRITABHAYRajashreeIng Each. Abhaya. Amrita. Draksha. Vidanga. Gokshura. Sharkara. Madhu. Ind Piles. Constipation. Migraine. General. tonic. Dose 1. ANANTMOOL. SYRUPSidhiIng Ananthmool. Ana nthamool. kshar. Ind. Loss of. appetite. Dyspepsia. Fever. Dose 2. ml Daily. ANTAF. TABKabIng. Yashti. madhu. Amalaki. Nalikera. lavanam,Shank. Ind. Hyper. acidity. Peptic. ulcer. Dyspepsia. Abdominal. amp. Epigastric. Dose. Adult 2. tab tds. Child 1. tab tds. ANAPEN. CAP. PHARVINIng Sallaki. Nirgundi. Maha rasnadi. Aswaghanda. Lakshmi. Maha. yograj gulggulu. Samir. pannag. ras,Ind RA,Arthritis. Obesity. Arthralgia. Lumbago. Sciatica. Muscular. sprain. Stiffness. Dose. 1captidbid. ANARDANA. CHURNA. POWDERDecanIng Anardana. Nimbook. Jeera. Dhanya. Menthol. Hingu. etc. Ind Anorexia. Flatulance. Indigestion. Dose 5 1. ANCARE. CAPVital. CareIng Melia. azadirecta. Amor phophallus. Mimosa. Achyranthes. Sallaki. Ing Haemorrhoids. Fissure. Bleeding. Dose 1 3. cap. t. ANJAL. TABLETSAjmeeraCompostion Tribhuvankirtirasa. Sankhabhasma. Godanti.